Content Mastery & Redo Opportunities

Home What is Mastery? Parent Connect

Student & Family Resources
When students "fail” should they be allowed do-overs?
Making the most of my “Redo” opportunities (video)

Teacher Resources
What does this policy mean for educators? (video)
Sample AACPS Syllabus



In Anne Arundel County Public Schools, we are committed to ensuring that students graduate with the knowledge and skills that they need to succeed in college and careers. We believe that all students can learn, but at times, students need additional supports and opportunities to demonstrate their mastery of content knowledge and course-specific skills.

In the 2016-2017 school year, AACPS standardized the redo practices in the AACPS Grading Regulation to ensure that all students have similar opportunities to demonstrate their mastery of course content and skills.

Please explore the links on the left that explain the AACPS Grading Regulation related to district-wide opportunity for mastery (“redo”) expectations.



AACPS Grading Policy & Regulation
Grading Regulation--Opportunity for Mastery
Complete AACPS Grading Regulation

If you have questions about redo opportunities in your student’s classroom or school, please contact the teacher or principal directly. If you have questions about policy or processes related to redo opportunities in AACPS, please contact Shannon Pugh, Manager of Assessments, at

Content Mastery & Redo Opportunities | Anne Arundel County Public Schools | 410-222-5000

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