School Start &

Dismissal Times

Phase I--Task Force: February 2014-December 2014
Phase II--New Work: January 2015-December 2015
Phase III--Community Involvement: January 2016-February 2016
Phase IV--Board Requested Options: March 2016-Present

July 2005 to January 2006

In July 2005, following a request from the BOE initiated by a public comment, the Transportation Division presented three alternative options regarding start times for high schools.  A fourth option was added by the former Assistant Superintendent for Business and Management Services in October of that same year. In November & December 2005, public forums were held throughout the county to gather input on changing school start times.

In January 2006, the BOE reviewed the four working options along with their associated estimated costs. The BOE voted on Option 1, which would shift the start of all schools by 13-15 minutes and on Option 2, which would have high schools start at 9:30 and end at 4:10. Neither vote passed (the BOE voted 4-4 on Option 1 and 1-7 on Option 2). The Board did not vote on working Options 3 or 4.